Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Review: Crisanta Knight Protagonist Bound by Geanna Culbertson

Crisanta Knight is not your typical princess. In Geanna Culbertson's novel Crisanta Knight Protagonist Bound, Crisanta is in fact the daughter of Cinderella and Prince Charming, not that anyone could tell. Unlike her best friend SJ "Snow Jr" Kaplan, as in Snow White's daughter. SJ was everything a fairytale princess was expected to be, fair and graceful with a lovely singing voice that charmed all the animals. Crisanta, or as she prefers Crisa, is more inclined to weapons training than singing and absolutely refuses to believe that her life is to be dictated by a book and she has no say in the matter. Because of course that is how all the fairytales are created, the mysterious Author is the one who is in charge of creating the stories and once they start writing your life is no longer your own.
Follow Crisa on a quest to take back her life and find out what it means to truly be yourself. It won't be easy though when there are Fairy Godmothers trying to stop you and the occasional stalker prince, but a true princess doesn't quit.

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