Thursday, August 16, 2018

The distractions of life...

I am as guilty as anyone in letting life's distractions drag me away from my writing. I got caught up in a new job and then planning a wedding and moving into a new house and before I knew it years had passed without a single word being written. So after so much time away how does one get back on track?

I started with my research and reviewed everything I had already written. I read somewhere that you shouldn't start editing your first draft until you have actually completed it, so I although I was tempted to do some rewriting I left it alone. Then I went back to the outline to jog my memory on where exactly this story is heading. That however turned into another distraction. I was coming up to a scene where I had made a note to do a bit of research on something that could become a deciding factor in the main character's development. Unfortunately I then spent a week doing nothing but diving down the research rabbit hole.

To get out of research wonderland I have made the goal of writing at least 50 words a day. I still have a bit of a quandary about this scene but rather than stop writing again I am creating alternative scenes and storylines. After all, the only way to write a novel is by writing all the time.

I am also going to try to post more often. My current research topics and writing progress will be the main subjects, but I welcome questions, comments and suggestions for topics.

Happy writing!

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